Just Slightly Past Expiration Date - 8600 year old loaf of BREAD found in Turkey
(too old to reply)
2024-03-07 05:21:00 UTC

Located in the Cumra district of Konya, Catalhoyuk, home to
roughly 8,000 people in the Neolithic period, an oven-like
structure was uncovered in an area known as Space 66,
characterized by adobe houses with interconnected roofs
accessed from above.

. . .

Stale ???

I'd heard of these ancient houses before ... you
entered from the ROOF (and they buried dead fam
under the floors). This is interesting because you
don't build like that unless you need defense from
RAIDERS. This suggests little has changed in
many millennia. Hey, we are like we are ...

ANYway, hope they dup the recipe and see how
it really tasted.

They keep digging-up more and more REALLY ancient
history in southern Turkey/northern Syria. Those
"stupid stone-age people" weren't stupid at all
and MUCH better organized than most recently

My GUESS is that there were some quite sophisticated
human civs BEFORE the last ice age - but the ice and
later melt-floods wiped away or drowned most evidence.

Humans have been essentially in current form for about
300,000 years ... it'd be a big mistake to assume we
only got organized 12,000 years ago. Our REAL history
is surely about 100 meters down under today's sea
and/or a similar depth of glacial rubble.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-03-07 05:30:31 UTC
So the Earth isn’t only 6000 years old?!? Who knew ... ?
